Seminars  -  Stage1

Stage 1:  Introduction to AZMAT System and Programming
All students need to attend Three 1-hour sessions, before proceeding to stage 2.

Those who are interested in enhancing their career prospects and/or want to buy Azmat*, might want to enrol on this course for £120 and attend three 1-hour sessions of seminars via the internet and conference call.

This short course will use AZMAT System, a risk management and front-office dealing room system, to introduce students to various financial models and macro programming.

This enterprise-wide, password protected Excel spreadsheet system took eight man-years to develop and contains over 100 systems files, a 200-page online help manual and nearly 16,000 lines of Excel programming code. 

As AZMAT System is the basis of all our courses, the students need to get familiar with various aspects of the system in order to understand and appreciate what is involved in the design and development of any financial system.

The objective is to give those who are new to programming and financial systems an idea of what could be achieved using spreadsheets and programming, and also whether this kind of work appeals to them. 

By the end of the three sessions they should have a fair idea about AZMAT System and also whether to proceed to stage 2, to attend our other courses to learn:

Financial Modelling; Spreadsheet Programming; Investment Banking Calculations; Risk Management Systems and Financial Systems Design and Development.

Those who are already familiar with spreadsheets and programming but not to a great extent, should find introduction to this enterprise-wide, password-protected and multi-user system an interesting example of what can be achieved, in perhaps a year or two, by those completing stage 3a. 

Those who have extensively used spreadsheets and have more than five years' programming experience should treat this as a long introduction to AZMAT System (which is used extensively in all our courses), rather than a short course to learn about spreadsheets and programming. 

This introductory course should also help them decide whether to proceed to stage 2 and beyond. 

**In addition to the seminar fees, the
students are responsible for the cost of any telephone calls while attending seminars.

However, the costs of internet seminars and telephone conference calls can be shared between two, three or even four people if they can gather around a computer screen and use a ‘speaker phone’ to listen to the teacher on the conference call.

The Seminars are not compulsory and you do not have to attend any, if you do not wish to.

Azmat* a non-exclusive, non-transferable licence to use AZMAT System for own educational purposes

Seminars  -  Stage1

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